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Re-engaging children – one byte at a time

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Interactive subscriptions included - FREE with provision

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GCSE and A Level

Define your story to create the rest of your life.

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Trauma-informed SEND education

Helping students re-invent themselves as learners

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We help students to overcome obstacles to learning with challenge and fun.

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Overcoming obstacles to learning — at school and beyond

Alternative Education Provision

Over 10 years experience in trauma-informed education and special education needs, we tailor live, online lessons for the most challenged students to help them overcome their obstacles to learning. We are audited and trusted by our partnership Schools, Academies, LAs, Councils, Hospital Outreach Services, PRUs, and other APs. We provide a broad curriculum for all exam boards.

The work we do embraces both academic and life skills. Understanding each student’s situation allows us to teach at a level and pace that works best for them – and the impact on outcomes for the whole child is astonishing.

Global Homeschooling

Need to ensure your stay-at-home children get the best education possible? Apricot can support you with live, timetabled lessons taught by qualified, specialist teachers who know how to engage students online.Welcome to all our students across the UK and internationally. (Please note that all lessons are timetabled in GMT.)

Free Taster Lessons

Take a byte of us! Join us for a taster sessions and experience our fun, safe, and engaging lessons. Our qualified teachers love what they can do in the online classroom – and so will your children.

At Apricot, the curriculum is designed on a knowledge and skills progression model. We are very clear on what students need to learn in order to apply the knowledge they gain. Everything is pinned to the National Curriculum with special attention paid to what has come before (including closing learning gaps) and what is coming next.


Each child is considered individually when choosing lesson and rich-media learning strategies. For all students, we work toward their taking responsibility and ownership of their learning. We encourage engagement and expect effort. We celebrate every small step of progress and help students to recognise and celebrate their own talents.


Measuring impact at Apricot is in-depth and we, therefore, know that our students have gained the knowledge, skills, and understanding we intend them to have. Equally important is the well-being of each student. We know this is being achieved through student voice and our unsolicited student testimonials and parent testimonials.

Get in touch.

Join our community of learners and get support from our experienced team.
“We’ve had more enthusiastic study from Laurie. She came down at lunchtime with a massive smile on her face! I honestly can’t remember the last time she was so happy! I am beginning to think that this was the best step that we could have made! I really think that it might be the making of her!!!”
Janet – Laurie’s Mum

We are in good company

We are fortunate to be working with and supported by some fantastic brands